Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have been going to the doctor weekly now...getting closer on getting insulin right, but not quite there yet. Last week, they switched me to NPH and R insulin instead of the 70/30 mix I was taking...so that means mixing my insulin and taking more shots. Yesterday they upped my dosage a little bit and I go back next week to see if it is ok or if it needs some more adjusting.

I have started back to zumba twice a week. I really missed it and I try my best even though I really can't do some of the moves right now. Instead of jumping I will bounce on my toes, and I don't lift my legs as high as most of the other people. But that is just fine. I am still getting a workout and doing something that will hopefully get my blood sugar levels under control.

This past weekend I went to an ultrasound clinic where I got to be a guinea pig for doctors learning about ultrasounds. I got a few new ultrasound pictures...glad I got paid instead of paying them! Haha! They were a bunch of goof offs and had trouble finding the babies organs and parts.

I am supposed to go for an ultrasound sometime this week to check on Spencer's size. They think he is on the big side. Ugh!

My sister is throwing me a shower in a few weeks...I am really excited! I have finished registering at Target and JCP and am trying to save up some money to buy some of the bigger items off the registry myself if at all possible. My sister is having fun planning the shower, and I am looking forward to seeing my family there! One of my friends is throwing me a shower in early November...that will be fun too!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Latest Doctor Appointment

Had another check up with the doctor yesterday. My blood sugar levels have not been within limits, so I have to increase my insulin and go back next Monday to see if it helps. If it does not help, they will probably switch me to a different type of insulin. I didn't have an ultrasound, but doc said that the baby feels a little big to her....which I knew was common with diabetics and what I was hoping to avoid. Sigh. Hopefully we will get this under control soon.

So, next appointment is next week on Monday. Hopefully I will have better news to share then.

I am just about done with my registries at Target and JC Penney. My sister is having a shower for me I Sept 19 and a friend is throwing me one early November. I am really excited about them!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have finally started registering for baby Spencer. Creating a baby registry is much more fun than creating a wedding one! Our nursery is a real pretty light/medium green color and we want to go with a light wood crib and furniture to match the rocker that I won from the bank. I found several bedding sets that I liked, and this is pretty much the only one that Carl would agree on:

We registered for the whole nursery set at JCPenney.com. I am really looking forward to getting the nursery ready, decorated, and stocked. Right now I feel very behind with everything that needs to be done before the end of November!! It seems a bit overwhelming right now, but I know somehow we will do it!

I also started a registry at Target. I don't want to register anywhere else, because I am afraid if I do, then I won't get all I really want from the places that I have registered. (I really want all the nursery items from JCPenney!) I emailed friends and asked for input on what is useful and what is a waste of money. I got some really good feedback, but I still have so many questions! (How do I know what kind of formula to get? How do I know the stroller I pick out will be good enough? What is ok to buy used and what to I need to buy new?) Everyone keeps telling me I have plenty of time, but I really don't! The hubby works 2 jobs now, so we don't have much together time to work on projects around the house. I work at a Halloween store, so I pretty much won't be able to do anything starting in late Sept through Nov 1st. So we need to get a move on and get ready!