Monday, July 19, 2010

2nd purchase for baby

The first purchase I made for baby was for Carl's father's day present. I bought a red Star Trek uniform onesie and a vampire pacifier from Carl wanted all of the colors they had for the onesie, but I was not about to pay that much for a father's day present when the baby hasn't even been born yet and when the baby does not need a Star Trek onesie in every color. Carl can be such a nerd :P Here is my 2nd purchase for baby Spencer Mason Lindley:

I wanted a baby book that I saw at Target the past few months, but I didn't know if I needed the boy one or girl one. They reduced the price and sold out of them before I knew the sex of our baby, so Carl and I went to Babies R Us to find a different one. We found the C.R. Gibson Little Pond Record Book and I fell in love with the cover. I am definitely extra emotional lately...I cried while we were looking at baby books because they were so cute! The only things that really bothered me about this book were that it does not have a place for first ultrasound picture or hospital bracelet, and the other books did. But, in the end, we chose this one because everything else about it made up for that. Plus, I can put those items in the back section where there are a few pages for memories.

We spent probably an hour walking around Babies R Us trying to decide on nursery items and looking at things we want to register for. In the next month or so we will have to go back and actually register. We will probably register at Target for most of the items and then Babies R Us for the rest. I am so ready to start working on the nursery!!

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