Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2nd appt with High Risk Clinic

Yesterday was our 2nd appointment with the High Risk Clinic at UT Med. There are no major updates at this time. We were at the clinic from 9:40 am- 2:00 pm. Next time I am taking a book and some snacks!

Here is a breakdown of our appt:
*Carl and I talked with the doctor (I found it is ok to take Chlortabs for allergies and I can dye my hair).
*We heard the baby's heartbeat (it was 140, yay)
*I had an exam...the REALLY not fun kind. She said she thinks my pelvis is small and is worried I might have a big baby. I don't know if this means I have to have a C-section or not.
*We talked with a tech about diabetic testing and foods. I was given a pregnancy blood sugar log and I am supposed to test my sugar b/t 4 and 5 times a day and record it to take back to the dr with me.
*I had 5 vials of blood drawn. They are doing an A1C for me and testing for neural tube defects. She said I have a higher risk since I am diabetic.

We did NOT have a second ultrasound and still have not been told the sex of the baby. We are supposed to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. Hopefully we will get an ultrasound then and find out if we are having a baby boy Lindley or a baby girl Lindley.

Last time the doctor and ultrasound lady gave us due dates that were 2 weeks apart, so I asked the doctor about it this time, and she adjusted our due date. So now we are supposedly 19 weeks and 2 days along....

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