Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (Belated)

2010 brought so many changes in my life. I got married, moved into a new house, and had a beautiful baby boy. With all of these drastic changes, this Christmas was one of, if not the most memorable so far. We did all of the things we thought that we, as new parents, should. We decorated the house, watched as many Christmas specials as we could, listened to Christmas music, had photos taken, and went to the Christmas Eve church service. It was a really special month and we are trying to soak up all we can with our baby boy!

Santa Spencer 6 weeks old

We all were really spoiled at Christmas! Spencer got lots of goodies from his grandparents and aunts! He is all set in the toy department! Momma and daddy got some good gifts too!

New Years was a low-key event and really enjoyable! The 3 of us went to my sister's and played PS3 with her and her hubby. (Well, Spencer slept!). We played bocce, archery, table tennis, etc. Fun night that didn't involve being out with drunk drivers or finding a babysitter!

We are looking forward to 2011 and watching our son grow and trying to be better people and better parents!

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