Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another ultrasound...

Being diabetic and 32 weeks pregnant means I go to the doctor a whole lot. Yesterday I got sent for an ultrasound to determine how big baby Spencer is. My doctor(s) already thought he is bigger than he should be and they wanted to know just how much bigger.

Yesterday we learned that Spencer is 5 lbs and 7 oz already...and is approx. 2 weeks further along than he should be. He is in the 80th percentile. They said that is not all that great, but that they wouldn't worry unless he reached the 90th percentile. His heartbeat was 147, which is good.

I was told by this new place that he would be born at 38 or 39 weeks and that they don't let diabetics go 40 weeks. So that means we are having an early to mid-November baby unless he decides he wants to come early. Please just stay til Nov 1st at least!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Third Trimester

Well, I am 32 weeks along now...and trying my best to get fully prepared for the big event. Several things have happened lately that have helped me feel almost ready. The first is the baby shower my sister threw for me. It was great fun and Carl and I got all the big ticket items we really wanted. We got an infant car seat/stroller travel system from some of my girlfriends that pitched in together. We go the matching high chair and play yard that go with it from family. It is all Alphabet Soup from Safety 1st. I love the pattern, Carl didn't at first, but I think he likes it more now. We got tons of clothes from everyone. We got a take along bouncer, mattress for the crib, the puppy bedding set I wanted for the nursery...we got really spoiled! I am so thankful for my friends and family that have helped us in getting ready for the upcoming arrival of Spencer Mason. Here are a few picture

After the shower, we got the rest of the nursery furniture assembled and got a lot of the nursery ready. Really the main things left to do are to grab a few last supplies, do the nursery windows, and get the birth plan ready, car seat installed, and bags packed so we are ready for our little man should he come early.

Another thing we have done to get ready is that we started baby classes last night. We go to the 2 hour classes every Monday night from now until baby Spencer comes. Last night was the breastfeeding class. I really feel that we both learned a lot. I feel great about our decision to breastfeed and learned helpful tips. For example, it should not be painful and you should not even need lanolin...if you do have pain and get chaffed it means you are not doing it properly and the baby is not latched on right. I always thought chaffing and pain went along with breastfeeding. Carl and I learned many benefits of will help me lose the baby weight faster AND help lower my blood sugar, which has drastically gone up throughout my pregnancy. 

Next Monday the class is about post-partum baby care. I really think this class will be beneficial to me because I have never really been around babies before. I have never changed a diaper, I am terrified of holding babies, etc. I am hoping to learn more helpful tips and ease my fears about holding, feeding, etc to my baby before he comes. The week after starts Lamaze classes. Carl thinks they will be pointless, but I just want to at least go to one or two and see what it is about. It can't hurt! 

So now to nest and get the house ready, stock up on diapers and bath supplies, finish up the nursery, etc...and get ready for our little dude!